When I started my career the term “supply chain” was just emerging. Most professionals I interacted with during my early days in this industry were still referring to “materials management” and “procurement” when they spoke of what we call “supply chain” today. We also had a role called a “master planner” who was typically an […]
HighJump Software is just completing an internal implementation of a new ERP package that covers CRM, financials and customer service. The project touched nearly every business process in our organization, and was driven completely by business function owners and business subject matter experts. Involvement from the IT organization was limited to a few security reviews. […]
Three years ago, I thought the probability of using an outsourced warehouse management system (WMS) to run a complex distribution center was low. Today, my perspective on this topic has dramatically changed. The pervasiveness of virtualization technologies, which now enable infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), has ushered in a new computing platform, “the cloud,” which is perfect for […]
The overall business model for most logistics service providers (LSPs) is not that complex. The LSP provides services to their clients that, in turn, generate revenue for the LSP. A key challenge for most LSPs is that the difference between the revenue and expense (their margin) is so small, it must be relentlessly scrutinized. Additionally, […]