Strong partnerships between carriers and shippers are critical for freight operations to run smoothly and cost effectively. When shippers and carriers work together as a team, a win-win partnership is created that leads to continuous improvement in logistics efficiency and customer service. This all sounds good, but unfortunately the traditional method of the carrier salesperson […]
The best approach to solving the driver shortage requires the freight industry to embrace and implement a four-part plan that focuses on young age groups to ensure a steady flow of skilled and energized individuals that see the profession in a new light. Mindful that the average age of a trucker in the U.S. is […]
How can a company go about gaining new efficiencies by collaborating across supply chains without disrupting current logistics processes? Cloud-based transportation software is one solution.
Do any of these situations sound familiar? The salesperson that expedites an order to overnight airfreight because a customer calls to see why it hasn’t arrived yet. The supplier that isn’t being held accountable for its inability to fulfill an order on time. The carrier that consistently fails to meet shipment delivery expectations. What do […]