The transportation environment is getting difficult for shippers once again. As we’ve outlined in previous posts, capacity constraints and driver shortages are impacting rates across the board. Cass is reporting a 5.5% increase year over year versus this time last year. Shippers always have the option to continue to work their carrier relationships in hopes […]
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. -Henry Ford Henry Ford‘s wisdom continues today in the myriad of solutions that are available in supply chain. Now more than at any time, companies are seeking the best partner to assist them in the addressing issue like increased costs, global complexity, […]
Many industries have complex supply chains, but the food and beverage industry has some of the most unique issues. A great example of sophisticated transportation execution is Topco Associates, one of the largest retail grocery cooperatives in the United States. Topco provides sourcing, innovation, packaging, label management, quality assurance and nutritional assistance through store brand […]
As the economic recovery continues, several things are certain: fuel costs will eventually rise, truck capacity will tighten, trucking fleets will decline, driver availability will be constrained and pricing control will begin to shift away from shippers. With base rate increases and fuel surcharge fluctuations on the horizon, best-in-class companies understand the need to become […]
As part of a webinar series on software-as-a-service (SaaS) TMS, the Director of Transportation at one of our clients, The Dannon Company, provided an overview of the benefits the company achieved by gaining greater visibility and control of its transportation process. Here are some of the highlights of what he presented. Dannon, which is headquartered […]
As a frequent guest in hotels across the country, I have many more idiosyncrasies about things like linens, shampoos, coffee and ice buckets than the normal traveler. By no means do I express the eccentric behavior of Mr. Bean, rather I’m more curious about where these items came from and how many trucks it took […]
As I travel the country meeting with customers and prospects and listen to their challenges, the same question comes up in almost every interaction: “We know technology can help us,” they say, “but what else can we do?” In other words, after companies achieve the low-hanging fruit benefits of a transportation management system, what other […]
‘Green’ is all the rage. I see Green stickers on cars and homes, and eco-friendly logos on t-shirts and clothing. You can’t walk into a store these days without getting bombarded by Green messaging. Fundamentally, the concept of Green has significant merit. We, as stewards of this planet, have an obligation to the generations to […]