Your supply chain is global, yet you lack global visibility, process, and expertise to effectively manage it. This challenge is not uncommon among shippers around the world. With projected increases in global trade volumes, the pull of developing economy growth engines, and rising middle class consumer spending, the need for global TMS technology and expertise […]
Last week, I was fortunate enough to speak at the Evergreen Packaging Carrier Conference – a world class event with great people, I might add. One of the topics we talked about was risk management and scenario planning. I endeavored to make the point that all too often risk management was overly focused on legal […]
What is a rate curve? If you do not know the answer to this question or only have a vague notion of what the term means, then you are missing out on a relatively simple, but powerful freight management tool. Don’t feel bad if you are nonplussed; in our experience many practitioners are unfamiliar with […]
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is an integral part of advanced transportation management systems (TMS) and is largely viewed as providing the greatest time to value (see recent posting by Adrian Gonzalez of ARC Advisory Group titled, “Time-to-Value: Developing a SaaS Equivalent for 3PLs”). But as often happens when an innovative technology becomes widely adopted, users’ expectations rise […]