5G is playing an increasingly significant role in logistics, where data transfer speed and security are crucial. With faster, more reliable connectivity, logistics systems are becoming more efficient and automated. Supply chains can now handle larger amounts of data in real time, allowing for quicker decision-making. Connected vehicles, including autonomous trucks and delivery drones, are […]
If You Can’t Access the Truth, How Can You Determine the Truth? Let’s just come right out and say it – without the ability to capture, aggregate, and understand your supply chain data, you have gray area within your organization. Proprietary warehouse, transportation, and labor management systems bolted onto legacy ERP systems, all “enriched” with […]
Chevron Phillips Chemical (CPChem) needed a technology that facilitated fast solutions to pressing problems. The solution needed an intuitive user interface, easy workflows, and had to enable collaboration to drive adoption and allow for cultural acceptance. They chose an analytics platform from Seeq. Seeq helped create a common framework in which the sites could collaborate […]
Matt Elenjickal, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of FourKites, has pointed out that “data is the raw fuel of a digital transformation.” But it must be quality data! “Just as any chef will tell you that anything less than the best quality ingredients can render a dish inedible, so too, bad data can turn […]
While the industrial sector is undergoing a transformation driven by AI and the Internet of Things (IoT), simultaneously the workforce is shifting as traditional domain experts are replaced with tech savvy workers who bring a new level of operational expertise. Enter the industrial data scientist, a new breed of data analyst with access to more […]
In a prior post, I wrote about the various ways data is transforming global supply chains. Data is the raw fuel of digital transformation and the linchpin to accelerating industry collaboration, automation, predictive insights and so many more cutting-edge capabilities (including those yet to be invented). Today, I’m going to add a qualifier — it […]
As an entrepreneur I’ve been reflecting on this a lot: The current milestone in logistics and fulfillment is using emerging technologies to capture and leverage exponentially growing data sets in warehouses and throughout the entire fulfillment network. Data sets have grown quickly in the cloud paradigm – and they exploded in 2020. Perhaps nobody realized how […]