5G is playing an increasingly significant role in logistics, where data transfer speed and security are crucial. With faster, more reliable connectivity, logistics systems are becoming more efficient and automated. Supply chains can now handle larger amounts of data in real time, allowing for quicker decision-making. Connected vehicles, including autonomous trucks and delivery drones, are […]
One promising application that is emerging in the Supply Chain and Sustainability space is Digital Product Passports (DPPs). Driven by regulations and a thirst for data transparency. Blockchain can serve as the backbone for tracking and managing product information throughout its entire lifecycle. The potential to provide reliable, tamper-resistant data across supply chains is driving […]
In the dynamic landscape of modern supply chains, one of the key challenges is the efficient management of resources to eliminate waste and enhance overall productivity. In this article, we will delve into strategic ways for warehouse managers to eliminate waste, with a focus on not only optimizing the use of cartons and packing, but […]
At the ARC Industry Leadership Forum in February, I had the opportunity to sit down with John Delligatti, Director of Digital Supply Chain Transformation at SDI, to discuss the pandemic, Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO), and the future of supply chain management. I asked John to give some deeper insights on a few key points. […]
Note: Today’s post is part of our “Editor’s Choice” series where we highlight recent posts published by our sponsors that provide supply chain insights and advice. This article is from Zheyuan Du at Kinaxis and discusses unconventional solutions to excess inventory challenges. According to recent statistical data, vacancy rates for industrial real estate across North […]
Some of the world’s biggest retailers and their partners are once again feeling the sting of “the bullwhip effect” – a term of art amongst supply chain professionals that describes how changes in demand at the retail level can reverberate and amplify issues throughout the supply chain. For months, retailers have been stockpiling massive amounts […]
Is the recently stated supply glut at retailers such as Target and Walmart due to the Bullwhip Effect? What goods are experiencing less demand than ancticipated? What effect is this having on retailers’ business? And why factors caused this seemingly sudden inventory glut in a period of supply shortages? Finally, what does this indicate for inflation and future demand?