Several suppliers report they are seeing the shift toward smart device barcode scanning among millennials. These scanners are most appealing to companies that have a large seasonal surge and have a need to bring temp workers – often millennials – up to speed quickly.
Building unbreachable supply chain applications is virtually impossible. So it was with great interest that I listened to how blockchain technology could be used to create robust tendering and visibility that can be wholly trusted.
An announcement from DHL a few weeks ago heralding the success of a pilot project in Europe involving the use of augmented reality for order picking is yet more evidence that when it comes to high technology, the once humble warehouse is not being left behind. For three weeks, 10 workers at a DHL customer […]
The health care industry in the US is undergoing transformation driven by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the increasing impact of consumerism. Healthcare providers historically have had prepaid plans where the cost of care was paid up front and the more procedures a hospital did, the more they got paid. Consequently providers felt little […]
Traditionally, we said that warehouses were operated in either a manual, semi-automated, or highly automated fashion. In a manual warehouse, pickers used carts, forklifts and other “dumb” forms of carriage to go to picking locations, gather the inventory, and deliver those goods to the shipping dock. However, forklifts are becoming intelligent. With the right kind […]
Large chemical and oil and gas companies are, in general, far more advanced in their supply chain risk management practices than companies in other industries. But my coverage of this area convinces me that Dow Chemical, in particular, is one of the most advanced companies in the world in supply chain risk management. Dow Chemical […]
On Tuesday morning I checked the reporting dashboard for Logistics Viewpoints. The screenshot below shows the search terms that were driving people to the blog that morning. The second item caught me by surprise; I thought only people interested in supply chain and logistics visited Logistics Viewpoints, but it seems like we attract a much […]