5G is playing an increasingly significant role in logistics, where data transfer speed and security are crucial. With faster, more reliable connectivity, logistics systems are becoming more efficient and automated. Supply chains can now handle larger amounts of data in real time, allowing for quicker decision-making. Connected vehicles, including autonomous trucks and delivery drones, are […]
One promising application that is emerging in the Supply Chain and Sustainability space is Digital Product Passports (DPPs). Driven by regulations and a thirst for data transparency. Blockchain can serve as the backbone for tracking and managing product information throughout its entire lifecycle. The potential to provide reliable, tamper-resistant data across supply chains is driving […]
In the world of supply chain and logistics, the built environment comes in many forms, from warehouses and logistics parks to the buildings associated with ports and terminals. The IT realm spends a significant amount on cybersecurity and there are many large suppliers that provide solutions for cybersecurity at the IT and enterprise level. The […]
There is an emerging school of thought that monopolies and oligopolies, which have been allowed to operate through lax antitrust enforcement, are incredibly harmful. Two new books, Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry and The Everything War: Amazon’s Ruthless Quest to Own the World and Remake Corporate Power, make this argument. […]
The pandemic got almost every company talking about resilience. Supply chain risk solutions are hot. And a company called Exiger seemingly came out of nowhere to capitalize on this. Lately, Exiger has been in the news. In December of 2023 it was reported that $1.2 billion had been invested in Exiger by Carlyle and other […]
Cooper University Health Care, like most companies, struggled with their supply chain during COVID. Cooper successfully coped with the crisis, but the high costs they had to pay for critical supplies and the late nights searching for those supplies convinced the organization that there had to be a better way. The company bought a risk […]
Note: Today’s post is part of our “Editor’s Choice” series where we highlight recent posts published by our sponsors that provide supply chain insights and advice. This article is from Patrick Byers, DevOps Engineer at Lucas Systems, and looks at cybersecurity planning frameworks. It is important to have a robust incident response plan in place for your […]